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The annual PlatAfrica jewellery design competition has become synonymous with excellence in platinum design and manufacture. For the past 16 years, our Platinum business and Metal Concentrators have sponsored the coveted competition to promote innovation and technical competence in the design and manufacture of platinum jewellery, which is an important aspect of our businesses beneficiation activities. This, together with stimulating market demand in platinum jewellery, helps to grow both local skills and job creation in the country.

The competition helps the local industry to identify, understand and develop its global competitiveness, while also expanding the global outlook of entrants, making them aware of where the different markets lie for their design talents. As South Africa holds 78% of the world's known platinum resources and reserves, it’s only fitting that we drive its design and innovation.

PlatAfrica allows South Africa’s leading professionals, apprentices and students the opportunity to work with platinum not only to showcase their design talent, but also to craft and manufacture the pieces themselves. For many, this is their first experience of working with this incredible metal, allowing them to build their skills in this niche jewellery sector. This experience inevitably leads to a lasting love affair with this uniquely beautiful metal.

This year, we looked beyond South Africa’s borders to the worlds’ second-largest platinum jewellery market for inspiration – India.  The theme for PlatAfrica 2015 challenged both professional and student designers to create platinum jewellery for the bridal couple. The brief to the design students was to create jewellery for the bridal couple that would be simple, yet meaningful; modern, yet respectful of tradition; be elegant, while making a statement.

The Indian tradition of ornate bridal jewellery dates back thousands of years and remains an integral part of that county’s lifestyle and culture. It is renowned for its visual appeal. Whilst gold jewellery dominated designs in the past, modern Indian brides are moving towards innovative designer jewellery made from platinum, true to tradition, yet contemporary in design.

The quality and creativity of this year’s pieces truly reflect South Africa’s talent and passion for platinum design.  

Get a glimpse of the winning jewellery and the talented designers that created them.