Anglo American plc draws attention to an announcement issued by Anglo American Platinum Limited, the text of which is set out below:
Anglo American plc draws attention to an announcement issued by Anglo American Platinum Limited, the text of which is set out below:
Update on the Anglo American Platinum Restructuring Proposals Consultation Process
Anglo American Platinum, together with the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) has been engaged in consultation for the past 60 days as agreed at the Tri-partite meeting of the 28 January where parties had resolved to postpone the continuation of the Section 189 process under the Labour Relations Act, in order to allow for a detailed consultation process to take place between DMR, Anglo American Platinum and organised labour (NUM, AMCU, NUMSA and UASA).
Anglo American Platinum and the DMR have now agreed to extend the bilateral consultation process for a further 30 days to allow sufficient time for the conclusion of the process, and anticipate that the process will conclude by the end of April 2013.
Chris Griffith, CEO of Anglo American Platinum, said "We have made progress and have had constructive discussions with our stakeholders; however, the volume of information and data has necessitated the proposed extension. Anglo American Platinum will approach the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) to postpone the continuation of the Section 189 by a further 30 days to enable the bilateral consultation processes to be concluded within this extended period. We will continue to engage constructively with all our stakeholders and will communicate progress updates as and when appropriate."
Further updates will be provided as appropriate.