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Enter the world of FutureSmart MiningTM

Enter the world of FutureSmart MiningTM -

Enter the world of FutureSmart MiningTM

Watch this video for a brief summary of what we mean when we talk about FutureSmart MiningTM and how it fits with our broader strategy and purpose.

Technology, digitalisation and sustainability working hand in hand

These are the step-change innovations that will transform the nature of mining – how we source, mine, process, move and market our products – and how our stakeholders experience our business. It is about transforming our physical and societal footprint.

We envisage a much-reduced environmental footprint from new ways of mining, including by using a number of precision mining technologies and data analytics, while our collaborative approach to regional economic development and our ambitious global stretch goals, aimed at delivering improvements to areas such as health and education, are at the heart of how we will create truly sustainable and thriving communities.

Water in hand

FutureSmart MiningTM: Our Sustainable Mining Plan

Anglo American has long shown itself to be a leader across many fields and such leadership is called for again as society changes with and around us. Mining must play its part to address the environmental challenges of a carbon-constrained world and society’s wider expectations of us as enablers of change, while we continue to meet the ever-growing demand for our products.

Our Sustainable Mining Plan is designed to tackle many of these challenges, both environmental and social, and we are making encouraging progress that is changing how our employees and stakeholders experience Anglo American, in line with our Purpose.

Our global sustainability pillars

Our Sustainable Mining Plan is built around three major areas or Global Sustainability Pillars aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and we have set Global Stretch Goals.


Trusted corporate leader

Developing trust as a corporate leader, providing ethical value chains and improved accountability to the communities we work with.


Healthy Environment

Maintaining a healthy environment by creating water-less, carbon, neutral mines and delivering positive biodiversity outcomes.


Thriving Communities

Building thriving communities with better health, education and levels of employment.

These Global Stretch Goals are deliberately ambitious and designed to challenge us to lead and innovate. We’re putting all our efforts into delivering them between now and 2030.